I had a parcel yesterday morning from Chris over at the SIBOL ravelry group which has a variety of knitted and crocheted squares in lots of shades-she and her local friends, Sue and Jayne, have been hard at work for us.
17 of them! Thank you so much! They are wonderful.
On my way back from walking my daughter to the bus stop, I met my friend Lisa who gave me another 4 squares that she has been working on-her crochet confidence is growing and growing, well done darling!
When I got home from work, there was another parcel waiting for me-this one is from Joanne who I think is also part of the SIBOL ravelry group and she had made 30 squares!
Fantastic work! Thank you Joanne, these are perfect for us, you really have been crocheting a storm!
And finally, just as I was taking photos of these wonderful squares, I heard something come through the door-someone posted these lovelies!
I have no idea who sent these-they were handposted so it must be someone I know/a friend of a friend! I will find out and let you know...whoever you are, thank you!
There's not long left until the deadline-please get in touch asap if you have squares for us!
Here's what it's all about-
'Cwtch of Comfort' requests blankets to donate towards bereavement
boxes for the '2Wish Upon A Star' charity that supports families
suffering the loss of a child. I have been inspired by the amazing SIBOL
project to ask people to send me squares as many find the thought of
making a whole blanket a tad overwhelming! So with your help, I'm
hoping to have a whole big pile of squares to work with by the end of
this month. Could you help?
Here's what I need you to do:
Make a square!
It can be either knitted or crocheted
It must be approx 6" (knitted can be a little bit smaller)
Pale pastel gender neutral colours or White only please
Acrylic yarn
Email me at and I'll send you my address :-)
deadline for squares is the end of May 2015-I'd really like to have
lots and lots of squares to put together and any help would be so
appreciated. Even a share on your blog would be a massive help!
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