Wednesday, 20 March 2013

A little extra...

Hello everyone!  Hope you are having a lovely Wednesday :-)  Ostara is here and the light and dark are in harmony-from now, the day has dominion over the night so it's a time to reflect on balance, on growing strength, nurturing the seeds of new life.  Myf is excited as her sister's 4th birthday is on Friday-being a big sister is so important to her but sometimes she struggles with the balance of it.

In my last post, I showed you a finished baby blanket which really is more of a toddler/young child's size!  They're coming to pick it up on Friday and they love the photos I've sent them but I thought I would surprise them with an extra blanket that's a better size for a newborn!  I'm been wanting to have a go at a 'ripple blanket' for ages and now seemed like the time to try :-)  This lovely lady makes quite a few of these beautiful blankets and I've been admiring them for so long.  She shares the pattern she uses-it comes from this site here.

I had some variegated blue/green yarn left over that I couldn't think of a use for so the bulk of the blanket uses that up-I finished it off with two row stripes in each new shade.  I need to practise the pattern so I can make it lie flat properly but I'm really pleased with it, especially for a first try!  And it worked up so quickly, only took a couple of days.

It measures about 35" point to point and it should be much better for the little one when he arrives.  Looking forward to seeing whether they like the extra surprise :-)


  1. I love it - the colors are very pretty. Thank you for the kind words and for the link-up. :)

  2. Thank you! I really love your blog-I often make the squares you design and you always have beautiful projects to show :-)


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