Sunday, 24 March 2013

SIBOL Squares!

Good evening all!  It's blustery and chilly as well as a little damp here in Wales but at least we don't seem to have any more snow.  It's a bit strange, being grateful that it hasn't snowed when it's nearly April but with the peculiar weather of late, it's hardly surprising!
Last March, I joined the vast number of people worldwide who make granny squares for the SIBOL project.that are transformed into gorgeous blankets and donated to elderly care homes across England.  The wonderful lady who runs this project, 'Mrs Twins', spends a huge amount of time putting these squares together and visiting the care homes to distribute these creations.  She also comes up with fantastic ideas for 'challenges'  for her 'SIBOLETTES' to try as well as making some incredible blankets for fund raising (she did a series of Olympic blankets for last years Games which were stunning!)

I've been snowed under with blanket projects (a few requests for baby blankets from friends who are expecting in the near future) so my original plans for a SIBOL donation are temporarily put on hold and instead I had a go at some of the challenges running at the moment as well as a few for her squares stash :-)

As you can see, Artemis (the cat) looks pretty pleased with them too!  They're winging their way over to her now-hopefully they'll arrive by Monday :-)

In other news, I've finished making the arm rest covers-I like them but I think they'll look better when I get around to making matching cushion covers...


  1. Thank you so much for your beautiful Squares. I am very grateful to you. They are gorgeous - some really great ideas. Love the colours too in the stash Squares.
    I am having problems myself with the SIBOL Blog. I am receiving tons of 'anonymous' rude comments coming from the states according to my feed info.
    I have blocked them now hope this solves the problem. Your Blog seems okay to me from here but it is very frustrating trying to get help.
    I am so pleased you are enjoying the Challenges so much and thanks a lot for spreading the word about us.
    Love Suex

  2. So glad you like them!

    Something seems up with Blogger at the moment, hopefully it's resolved soon :-) Thank you for letting me know you can see my blog, it's good to know it's not vanished for everyone else!

    I'm looking forward to trying some more challenges soon :-)
    (In answer to your email-I'm currently unemployed so I have a lot of free time on my hands...) Take care, love Liz x

  3. Hi Liz,
    I came across your blog via another one and saw you mention SIBOL. What a small world! I've also made stash and challenge squares for Sue - I'm going to make one for her Festival theme.
    It was quite a thrill to see her post pictures of finished blankets and be able to pick out my squares in them!
    Can I ask - the picture at the top of your page of a backgammon board - is it a rug? It looks amazing! I used to love playing backgammon...
    Best wishes

    1. Hi Tina! Thankyou for your lovely comment :-) I love SIBOL-it's fantastic to see the blankets she makes and I too love to spot my squares :-D

      The picture is from here

      It's a blanket I designed and made for my Dad's Yule gift last year-we love the game and I love to make blankets so it seemed natural to combine the two!

      Thanks for stopping by-lovely to meet you :-)
      All the best


I'm so happy when someone leaves me a comment and I read every one :-) Thank you for taking the time to comment on my little blog-I try to answer every comment where I can!