Thursday, 19 July 2012

Dad's birthday

Lots of posting at the moment-I have some catching up to do!

My Dad's birthday was a few days ago and Myf and I made a couple of special items.  I got hold of a wooden blank keyring to embellish with some pyrography-here's some before and after shots!
(when I have some disposable funds, I'm thinking of upgrading my pyrography pen-it's very basic and I can't do more than thick lines with it)

Myf has been doing a little cross stitching at school and decided she wanted to make her Grumpy a bookmark.  I tried to find some mesh material for her but it was a bit on the pricey side so instead we bought a mesh style baby blanket from a pound shop, cut it down and hemmed it (my hemming skills are a bit pants!) and Myf made up her own design!  She worked really hard on it and it's beautiful.

I was positive I'd taken a close up pic but this is the only one I have :-(  Myf has been making a couple of other bookmarks so next post, I'll be showcasing her crafty-ness!

We also had to do some improvising on the birthday cards as we apparently have no card in the house aside from the recycling so we cut up some cereal boxes, liberally glued some colourful scraps of paper over them and Myf practised some calligraphy-
Dad really liked his presents and hopefully had a great birthday!

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