Monday, 9 July 2012

Teddy bear waistcoats and blankets :-)

My little niece turned 6 last week and her mum asked me to make a granny square teddy bear waistcoat!  Along with it, I also made a crochet crown but sadly I have no pictures as I couldn't find my camera phone anywhere!  I have now invested in a little digital camera so here are a couple of pictures of teddy bear waistcoats that Myf insisted on once she saw what I was making her cousin :-)

The one on the left was the practise one I made so I could figure out the size and how to put it together.  The one on the right has buttons and edging and looks pretty snazzy :-)

My last post showed a blanket I'd made for my friend Catrina-her boyfriend's aunt has seen them and really wants three which is very exciting so I'm working on those too.  The wool store where I get a lot of my stash asked me to make a little lap blanket/baby blanket to display there-it may drum up some interest and give me some idea of whether there's any chance of doing this semi-professionally.

I've been working on a couple of other projects as well but I'll save that for another post!

1 comment:

  1. I've finally got the pictures from my phone to upload of Penny Bear in her waistcoat and crown- we all love them (as did the entire restaurant Katie showed on her birthday dinner out!)


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