Thursday, 5 January 2012

Moots and stuff

I've posted before that myself and another lady run a Pagan Parents coffee morning together-it's not monthly yet (I'm hoping someday!) but last year we held 4 with a huge amount of success.  Basically, J and I felt there was a huge need for pagan events in our area to which people could bring along their children-most pagan events tend to be evening meetups in pubs which is great if you can get to them or open Sabbats (there are eight in the year) which frequently aren't child friendly.  So we came up with a plan and discovered there was a large number of people who are raising their children as Pagans (always respecting the child's choices as they get older) and have nowhere to take them and no one to share their experiences with.
The moots we hold are centered around the kids-we come up with child friendly activities, throw in a little story telling and simple fun ritual and give the grownups a chance to chat and have a cuppa amongst friends :-)  I love it, Myf has a blast and it's three hours of riotous laughter and creativity!
We're holding a Moot this weekend and sadly J can't be there as she's going through a bereavement so I'm running this one solo.  I'm a bit nervous but I remember helping my family at the Church Coffee Morning we used to run (the irony does not escape me) and I've gained a lot of confidence over the past couple of years.  As it's nearly Imbolc (first stirrings of light) we'll be making Brid crosses and crowns of light (not with real candles though!) with the kids and maybe a tiny bit of energy work :-)  I've very excited and really hoping everyone has a good time.  I'll post some pictures of my finished creations afterwards!

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