Tuesday, 30 August 2011

One project down, a million more to go...

It's not been the greatest few days recently so I've been trying to keep my mind off things by finishing off some projects and making serious headway on another :-)  So I present to you the black and red skull and crossbones blanket I've been working on-while I was hoping to get a more definitive effect I'm pleased with the results!  I think it looks striking...hopefully the recipient will like it-but if not, she does have a dog who may like it instead lol

 I've managed to dig out another mobile handset that is really annoying as a phone but it has a great camera on it (well, a lot better than the one I've been using anyway) so I'll be taking better pictures fingers crossed :-)


  1. That's fantastic work Liz - can't believe what you are coming up with after such a short time crocheting :-) Now I just need to get you into Amigurumi....

  2. Are your fingers twitching there Jess? I have the same urge to tempt her...

  3. Thank you my darlings! Give me a little time to do the 4 blankets on the waiting list (but not so much time that I promise more lol) and I'm all yours! Currently though all I can do are straight lines and squares so I'll need some help :-)


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