Friday, 19 August 2011

Catching up

I've been in London with my parents for nearly two weeks and it's been the true test of my non smoking resolve.  Thankfully, I brought a sack of wool on the coach with me to keep me occupied as well as some of the squares for this skull and crossbones blanket I'm working on.  So I've caught up a bit on those-the blanket's nearly finished and I've started work on the squares for my friend Vic's blanket that she requested-not much of an idea yet so I'm working up a load in blues and greens and some contrasts :-)
I also took a little lap blanket for my mum (she often gets cold feet in the evening) but I didn't managed to finish it on the coach so spent the following afternoon doing the last few rounds.  Mum seems to like it-and the colours go well with her taste (and the decor) so here's a pic of Myf holding it up in the back garden :-)

Oh, and a little while ago I used a pattern from the 'Happy Hooker' for a little bag for my friend's daughter (I reversed the colours but it was the first pattern I tried to follow)  Turned out ok except for the colour changes-Myf wanted one too so I made her one while we were in London and I tried carrying the colours through but as it was white and red it was very visible.  ARGH!  But she loves it anyway and I'm going to try and find a third option.......

Haven't gpt a pic of Myf's yet but this one was definitely better!

So I have a few baby blankets to work on, a skull and crossbones one that's nearly finished and a multishaded green/blue one for Vic.........then maybe I'll start making other things!

1 comment:

  1. Good girl- Look forward to moving you away from the (comfort) blankets...!


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